He has shown a constant neglect of duty; as a result, the new boss fired him very quickly. 他老是玩忽职守,结果很快被新来的老板炒了鱿鱼。
An extension of the equivalent small parameter symbolic method to constant frequency current mode controlled converter systems is presented, along with two methods of determining the system's duty ratio, the precise and the simple methods. 将等效小参量符号分析法推广到恒频电流模控制的变换器闭环系统的稳态分析中,提出了占空比的精确确定法及简化确定法。
Application of Hydrostatic Guideway Supplying with Constant Oil Flow on Heavy Duty Machine Tool 恒流供油式静压导轨在重型机床上的应用
Second, the LC snubber is applied to the Flyback converter operating in DCM and constant duty ratio. Its fundamental operation principles, operation modes are analyzed in detail and each operation mode is approximately calculated. 其次将该缓冲电路应用于占空比恒定、DCM模式的直流Flyback变换器,对其工作原理进行了详细的分析,并对其各工作模式作了近似计算。
Based on operation parameters of a three phase induction motor at duty type S1, this paper deduces the thermal state of this motor with constant output at duty type S7. 主要介绍一种依据一台三相异步电动机在S1工作制下的运行参数推断该台异步电动机容量不变时在S7工作制下发热情况的方法。
A clamp circuit is also designed whose threshold can be adjusted with respect to the magnitude of the slope compensation signal so that a substantially constant maximum current limit of the regulator may be remained at greater duty cycles. 同时设计可根据斜坡补偿信号幅度进行阈值自调节的箝位电路,减小了斜坡补偿对电感峰值电流的影响,保证了芯片在高占空比条件下的带载能力。
Based on the introduction of regular MPPT methods, the novel MPPT method based on intermittent step-varied search is proposed, it is composed of two control processes including step-varied timing search and constant duty ratio timing control. 在详细介绍常规的最大功率点跟踪方法基础上,提出了一种新颖的间歇变步长搜索算法,包括定时变步长搜索和定时定占空比控制两个过程。
However, with constant changes in the history of the mysterious thick, and the ancient culture is slowly disappeared and rescue, protection and the excellent tradition of national culture, education is the bounden duty. 然而随着历史的不断变迁,其神秘厚重、丰富多彩的古老文化正在慢慢消失,抢救、保护和传承这一优秀的民族文化,是教育义不容辞的义务。